Friday, August 13, 2010

Week 2: Settling Down

Hopefully we will begin to find our rhythm this week as we start work in earnest.

Lab safety will be reviewed and parents will need to sign a copy of the lab safety rules- easy homework points.

This week we will begin reviewing/ practicing the metric system.

Some students might benefit from the online textbook. The web site is
The login is : eighth
The password is : eighth

You will need to enter the zipcode OF THE SCHOOL: 94952 and then select Petaluma Junior High from the list. You can choose for the computer to remember you so you don't have to do this step next time.

Once inside, it will say "Ms. Andersen" - the district set up a generic class for the entire district- NAME DOESN'T MATTER! Scroll down and select the Focus on Physical Science textbook.

Tuesday's homework: Read Chapter 1, section 6 (pg 43-47) Take notes in your own words. You need at least on sentence per red, blue, or bold word or phrase.

Thursday's homework: complete metric system practice sheet AND Read Ch1, section 3 pgs 16-21 Take notes in your own words. You need at least on sentence per red, blue, or bold word or phrase. In your notebook key terms should be underlined or highlighted.

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