Sunday, August 26, 2012

New Website


Since the school hasn't changed the link on their website. Here is the link.

Please use it to find out about homework and other things you might have forgotten!

Monday, August 20, 2012

VOTE for PJHS to win the Raley's Grant!

Chromebooks and wifi internet connection for all science students to share.
Raley's Grant PJHS Science Chromebooks- Click here for more information! Raley’s Reach

Who will Benefit?
All Petaluma Junior High students taking science.

How will the money be used?
Our school would purchase approximately 25 Google Chromebooks ($325 each). Depending on purchase price we would have enough chromebooks for half of our students to use with a few as back up in case of damage. Some funds would purchase a wireless router that would be housed in the science wing. The use of the Chromebooks would begin as soon as they are up and running. Ideally, the Chromebooks will last many years. There are 4 science teachers that would share the Chromebooks. We would use an online calendar to check them out. In my classroom, I would use the Chromebooks to have students conduct research, participate in blog discussions, participate in webquests, and utilize online activities. Other teachers would likely use them for virtual dissections, lab reports, and research reports. Chromebooks would also be useful in addressing the needs of our lowest and highest level learners with online textbook resources.

Submitted By:
Science Teacher, Petaluma

Monday, August 6, 2012

Welcome to 7th Grade Life Science

Hello Students,

I'm excited to start school. I am looking forward to seeing your smiling faces.

If you're wondering what you'll need here are a few things to start:
sharpened pencils
glue sticks - I saw 6 for a dollar at Target. Buy 2, you'll use them.
blue / black/ red pens
colored pencils- 12 pack is great
flash cards
flash card container

More to come.

See you soon,

Mrs. Brooks Long