Sunday, August 26, 2012

New Website


Since the school hasn't changed the link on their website. Here is the link.

Please use it to find out about homework and other things you might have forgotten!

Monday, August 20, 2012

VOTE for PJHS to win the Raley's Grant!

Chromebooks and wifi internet connection for all science students to share.
Raley's Grant PJHS Science Chromebooks- Click here for more information! Raley’s Reach

Who will Benefit?
All Petaluma Junior High students taking science.

How will the money be used?
Our school would purchase approximately 25 Google Chromebooks ($325 each). Depending on purchase price we would have enough chromebooks for half of our students to use with a few as back up in case of damage. Some funds would purchase a wireless router that would be housed in the science wing. The use of the Chromebooks would begin as soon as they are up and running. Ideally, the Chromebooks will last many years. There are 4 science teachers that would share the Chromebooks. We would use an online calendar to check them out. In my classroom, I would use the Chromebooks to have students conduct research, participate in blog discussions, participate in webquests, and utilize online activities. Other teachers would likely use them for virtual dissections, lab reports, and research reports. Chromebooks would also be useful in addressing the needs of our lowest and highest level learners with online textbook resources.

Submitted By:
Science Teacher, Petaluma

Monday, August 6, 2012

Welcome to 7th Grade Life Science

Hello Students,

I'm excited to start school. I am looking forward to seeing your smiling faces.

If you're wondering what you'll need here are a few things to start:
sharpened pencils
glue sticks - I saw 6 for a dollar at Target. Buy 2, you'll use them.
blue / black/ red pens
colored pencils- 12 pack is great
flash cards
flash card container

More to come.

See you soon,

Mrs. Brooks Long

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Monday: Work on Song

Wednesday: Study guide for Final- write the MOST important ideas on each topic. Us your NOTES not the internet! Also continue to work on song.

Friday: Finish Final song project, review semester notes, & bring notebook on "C" day and final day.

Story of Stuff Worksheet:
I know it's a little biased, but it should get you to think!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Homework = BRING TEXTBOOK!!!

Workbook pages on Eye and Ear due as well...

Thursday: Final Song Project Phase 1: in notebook:
- Write topic chosen
- Band Name
- at least 4 lines of song  (you might want to print out the true lyrics to see what the lines look like)

Monday, April 30, 2012

4/30- 5/4

Monday: in class heart rate lab- finish at home if you need to
Homework: Brain Pops write 8 facts for each: Circulatory System , Respiratory System, & Immune System

Wednesday: Notebook check, Bill Nye Heart Video
Homework: read Ch 14, 3 and workbook 273-277.

OPEN HOUSE- Bonus Points if you come to class with a parent!

Friday:Eye and Ear Anatomy
Homework: read Chapter 15, 3 and workbook pgs 293-295

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Tuesday: Quiz on Bones and Muscles, began circulatory system- heart
Homework: Read Chapter 14, 1 and workbook pages 263-267
From Class today:

Thursday: Heart Dissection
Homework: Homework: Read Chapter 14, 2 and workbook pages 269-271

Great Sunflower Project: In most of the country, it’s time to start gearing up for planting a bee-friendly garden. For very little effort, you can create beautiful habitat for native bees and abundant forage for honey bees. Sunflowers, of course, are the perfect start and, ‘Lemon Queen’ sunflowers are our preferred variety for making your bee observations.
The Seed Bank has Lemon Queen Sunflower seeds- they donated some for us to plant! Thanks Petaluma Seed Bank! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Computer Lab


Please use the following websites to complete today's assignments.

Kid's Health


In honor of Earth Day: The Story of Stuff

If extra time we will begin using frogguts so that next time you will be familiar with the program.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Monday: Chicken wing dissection - we did not check homework so be sure you have all workbook pages from 244-261 Complete by Wednesday
Homework: Read Chapter 13, 4 and workbook pages 258-261

Wednesday: Conclusion for chicken wing lab & machine in the body
Homework: Please look at the BrainPops for Bone Structure and for How Joints Work write 8 facts for each- that's a total of 16 facts!

Friday: Bones and Muscles in Computer Lab
Homework Review for Quiz next Tuesday!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

4/10 - 4/12

Tuesday: IN class bones: notes, worksheets, lab (due today: workbook pgs. 256-257)
Homework: Read Chapter 13, 2 and workbook pages 251-252

Thursday: Bones, Muscles, Tendons, Ligaments- leg model lab
Homework: Read Chapter 13, 1 and workbook pages 246-249

Monday, April 2, 2012

Test on Wednesday! 4/2- 4/7

Monday: Seed/ Fruit Lab, Several worksheets that need to be glued in to notebook. Completed flower conclusion and did a bean dissection.
Homework: Plant Study Guide (Salmon Color) TEST ON WEDNESDAY!!!
Extra Fun Review: Free BrainPop on Plant Growth and Seed Plants

Wednesday: Review before Test, Test, Seed germination experiment observations
Homework: In NOTEBOOK flash cards for Key terms pg. 518 AND 526

Friday: Begin Human Body- Chapter 13
Homework: Read Chapter 13, 1 and workbook pages 246-249

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

3/27 & 3/29 Plant Kingdom

Tuesday: In class plant parts notes, lab, & seedling observation.
Homework: Read Chapter 10, 4. Workbook pages 185-187
BONUS: Bring in FLOWERS!!!

Thursday: Flowers & Seeds Notes and Lab
Homework: Read Chapter 10, 5. Workbook pages 189-191
BONUS: Bring in FRUIT!!! The more varied the better!

All Animal Phyla PowerPoint projects should be turned in. They are worth 40 points= BIG DEAL!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

3/12 - 3/16 Animal Research Projects

Monday: Notebooks returned- check your grade on AERIES to see how you did.
In class: animal research in library
Homework: Finish animal research & email at least 1 picture of your animal phyla or class. If you do not have email you may draw an example of an animal in your class or phyla.

Wednesday: PowerPoints made from research projects
Homework: Read Chapter 10, section 1 - workbook pages 172-175

Friday: Intro to plants
Homework: Bring 5 different leaves to school- the more varied the better

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

3/6 - 3/8

Tuesday: Fairly easy day- we did a classification activity, drew and labeled protists, & took notes from a Protist video.
Homework: BUY GLUE STICKS- 4 for a $1 at dollar store - we're out!
Glue in 2 worksheets from today
REVIEW: pgs 353- 354 - #1-22 answer in complete sentences!!!!

Thursday: Code Red/ Lock down drill
Read Chapter 11, 1 and complete the workbook pages 193- 197

PLEASE NOTE: next week students will need to have either an email account with access to PowerPoint, a USB drive, or a gmail account so that they can send and store work done in the computer lab.

Friday, March 2, 2012

BrainPop Homework

Friday: Please watch the following BrainPop movies and write down 5 facts for EACH! (in notebook)
-6 Kingdoms
- Bacteria
- Protists

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2/21 & 2/23

Tuesday: Viruses - Read Chapter9,1 and complete workbook pages 155-157

Thursday: Bacteria - Read Chapter9,2 and complete workbook pages 159-161

Monday: Homework Virus and Bacteria review

Wednesday: QUIZ on Virus and Bacteria

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

2/13 & 2/ 15


2/13 was to create a 20 word crossword puzzle using the terms we've defined on flashcards for evolution and earth science.

2/15 - finish the flip booklets on the three domains and the four kingdoms. Need at least 5 characteristics and 1 drawing on the outside. Use 253-253 on classification to help you.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

2/7 & 2/9 - TEST COMING!!!

Tuesday: in class we're working on Geologic Timelines Researching various important events that occurred during each period.
Homework: Study Guide Part 1- it's actually an old evolution test - on the back you do not need to do numbers 3 & 4 - I'm not worried about the different types of fossils

Thursday: in class we will finish Geo Time Projects & Review for our test
Homework: Study Guide Part 2


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Geologic Time Websites

Understanding Geologic Time:

BrainPop Natural Selection -

BrainPop DNA -

BrainPop Heredity -

Enchanted Learning -

Geologic and Biological Timeline of the Earth -

UC Berkeley's Geologic Time Line -

1/30 - 2/2

Monday's homework: Read Chapter 8,4 and do the corresponding workbook pages. Also make flashcards for: Pangea, Plate Tectonics, Continental Drift, Geologic Time, and Alfred Weneger ALL DUE FRIDAY!!!

Wednesday is Challenge day so there will not be additional homework.

Friday: We begin our geologic time projects. Homework will be to study flashcards and complete the Alfred Wegener Biography worksheet.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Tuesday: Finding Clues in Rock Layers Lab - students need to finish for homework.
Turned in: Natural Selection Cartoon & Nature at Work (Brown/ white mice lab)

Thursday: homework- make flashcards for all highlighted terms IN YOUR NOTES- for evolution
(Students were given time in class to write down all of the terms in their planner/ agenda.)

Grades are posted on AERIES.

Notebooks will be collected on Thursday. Notebooks have all been graded. If you don't have grades in AERIES it's because I didn't get your notebook!

Test next Friday.

Monday, January 9, 2012

January - 2nd Semester

Hello All,

It's great to be back and feeling normal. I've appreciated all of the kind words and thoughts.


1/9: Darwin worksheet and questions on back

1/11: read Chapter 7, 1 and workbook pages 111-114

1/13: Peppered Moth Internet Activity & Worksheet

Please note there will be a QUIZ on VOCABULARY and CONCEPTS next FRIDAY!!! (Unless I can reserve the computer lab.)