Monday, August 29, 2011

8/29-9/2 Light


We are starting light and will be moving quickly. Please notice you only have to read the pages I assign. The rest you can read, but it's optional.

Monday: Ch 2, section 1 - read pg. 43-45; flashcards for last 4 key terms

Wednesday: Ch 2, section 2 pg. 47; flashcards for first 3 key terms. SORRY, I've been sick. Here's the link for the BrainPop on color: Remember, it's not due until next Wednesday.

Friday: Please Read Ch2, Section 3 pgs.52-60 and in workbook please complete 42-45. Don't forget the BrainPop is due on Wednesday! :)

Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Second Week of School

We're learning about inferences and the scientific method.

Tuesday: Flash cards for Ch1, section 3 (yes I know I skipped 2) & read it as well.
- Please finish TEXTBOOK worksheet as well

Thursday: Read Chapter 1, section 3 & in your workbook please do pages 22-24 (page 20 is a good summary of the section)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday Homework

COVER TEXTBOOKS - we need to keep them for the next 5 years! If you live at 2 different houses please see me for a book on CD.

Read Chapter 1, section1- thinking like a scientist

Flashcards- CH 1,1 "key terms" on the left column of page 6. Words are highlighted in the section where they are defined. Words are also defined in the glossary.

See you Tuesday.

Please come in at break or at lunch if you need help with making flashcards.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Welcome to 7th Science at PJHS!

Hello and Welcome:

It's been a great day. I can't wait to explore the world of science with you.

Just a homework reminder:
-3 Parent Signatures are due on Friday for: safety rules, syllabus, and contact information
-you also need a notebook on Friday

See you then!