Tuesday, July 26, 2011

7th Grade Science Summer Shopping

Hello Families,

Now is the time when school supplies are on sale. I've seen a 6 pack of glue at Target for 80 cents and markers for less than a dollar.

Each student will need a hard-covered, 3-subject notebook, colored pencils, pens, pencils, calculator, glue sticks, soft pouch to hold it all in and a box of kleenex.

Of course I'm happy to accept donations to the class.
We need the basics:
thin markers
thick markers
glue sticks
colored pencils
wooden pencils
box of kleenex
hand sanitizer
water colors (standard kid set nothing fancy)

Also will need:
canned potatoes
paper towels
empty/clean baby food jars

Enjoy the last few weeks!

Mrs. Brooks Long