Sunday, December 18, 2011

Computer Lab Final

Dear Students,

It's been a hard few weeks. I'm finally feeling better and am looking forward to seeing you all in January. This computer lab activity will be collected at the end of class and turned in to me. Please give me your best work. I hope you enjoy the two websites and take the time to READ the information written.

Start here with Mendel's Peas:
- Read & Click next several times
- Roll over each plant to see what the pea and the pod would look like
- To test the different offspring drag and drop the plants to the boxes
- Fill in the chart: (bottom left of page click “sections” then click on explore to test the different alleles for dominance by clicking on 2 plants to cross and see resulting offspring )

Natural Selection Activity:
- READ THE LEFT SIDE AND SCROLL DOWN!!! (Will help with # 1-4)
- Answer each question to the best of your ability

HAVE A FANTASTIC BREAK! I can't wait to see you all in January.


Mrs. Brooks Long

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Week of 17-21- TEST FRIDAY!

Monday: Challenge Day/ in class Jeopardy review and video

Wednesday: Mitosis Flip Chart; Glue pink & green worksheets, onion lab, mitosis labs into notebook.
Homework: Review Photosynthesis, Respiration, Osmosis, & Diffusion concepts for TEST. Use flashcards, notes, pink and green sheets glued into notebook AND WORKSHEET SENT HOME! For the BrainPop use this link: BrainPop and click on Photosynthesis & Respiration- answers to questions are in the quiz section!


Friday: IN Class:
-TEST on Photosynthesis, Respiration, Osmosis, & Diffusion
- Vocabulary Review worksheet (includes phases of mitosis)
- Discovery Video on Cells- take notes!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Week of 11 & 13

Sorry- I've been sick...

Tuesday was photosynthesis review and respiration. Please be sure pink and green sheets are done and turned in! Homework Read Chapter 4, 3 workbook pages 73-75

Thursday: plant pigment lab- finish is not turned in during class. Began Mitosis.
Homework: Flashcards for all of Chapter 4!!!! AND Chapter read 4, 3 workbook pages77-79 due WEDNESDAY as so many have challenge day on Monday...

Next week we will continue with Mitosis and have a quiz on FRIDAY. Osmosis, diffusion, photosynthesis, & respiration.

Photosynthesis song!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3-7: Cell Projects due Friday!!!!

Monday: Students observed, sketched, and answered questions about Potato and Onion cells under microscopes. They also wrote a paragraph describing how osmosis and diffusion were present in the Elodea leaf lab. Students were then asked to apply that knowledge to what happens to the cells in their lips and mouth when they eat something salty like chips.
Homework: Read chapter 3, section 4 - 1st & 2nd: workbook pages 66 & 67 3rd period: flashcards of key terms

Friday: Good Job on Cell Projects!
Homework: READ Chapter 4, 1 (pgs 118-122)
Workbook pages 69-71

If not completed in class: Please finish diffusion experiment conclusion (cornstarch & iodine w/ plastic baggie)

ALSO: Students received their organelle quiz. If they scored a D or F they need to correct it and retake it at lunch next Thursday.

CELL PROJECTS DUE FRIDAY! 50 points- please show me your best work!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

9/27- 9/29 - Cell Projects due NEXT FRIDAY!

Tuesday: Periods 1 & 2 learned about osmosis and diffusion, did an osmosis lab, and played jeopardy. Period 3 was in the computer lab reinforcing their knowledge of organelles. On Thursday you'll switch.

Tuesday Homework: Crossword puzzle on organelles will help students review for THURSDAY'S QUIZ. Students have their flashcards from Chapter 3 sections 1 & 2 - use them to review terms and for crossword. Also review parts of the cell theory and scientists: Hooke, Van Leeuwenhoek, Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow

Thursday: What a day!
For 1st & 2nd periods the internet was down so our cell webquest was a bit of a flop. Students in Periods 1 &2 are to finish the worksheet at home or the library for homework.
3rd Period learned about osmosis and diffusion, did an osmosis lab, and took the organelle quiz. Homework is read chapter 3, section 4 and complete the workbook pages 66 & 67.

CELL PROJECTS DUE NEXT FRIDAY! Please be sure to work on the key over the weekend. If you're doing cartoons or 3-D models you should have it near completion. Remember this is worth 50 points! Everyone has to do it! No Excuses. See me if you need help of materials.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

Period 3 Grades

Please see me with a progress report to get a list of missing work.
Stu #; Percent; Grade
705 99.17 A+
737 95.04 A-
1113 94.71 A-
788 94.38 A-
1091 94.05 A-
740 92.90 A-
739 92.57 A-
1089 92.57 A-
1036 89.93 B+
820 89.43 B+
1218 89.43 B+
870 88.77 B+
796 87.29 B
988 85.80 B
1118 84.81 B
933 83.66 B
717 82.17 B
1021 82.17 B
1060 81.84 B-
915 81.18 B-
792 79.70 C+
1101 78.87 C+
1092 75.74 C
810 70.62 C-
729 60.56 D-
1019 58.08 F
829 53.30 F
815 50.00 F
1016 49.00 F
883 42.57 F
863 36.30 F

Period 2 Grades

Please see me with a progress report to find out missing assignments.

Stu #; Percent; Grade
910 109.22 A+
730 91.61 A-
1001 91.27 A-
698 91.10 A-
707 90.93 A-
887 90.77 A-
1058 89.76 B+
1148 87.86 B
1042 86.57 B
989 85.57 B
1117 85.06 B
1003 84.39 B
1045 84.06 B
727 83.55 B
749 83.55 B
776 82.71 B
1029 82.38 B
1138 81.37 B-
726 80.87 B-
1105 80.03 B-
1219 79.02 C+
722 76.84 C
947 69.96 D+
725 55.20 F
855 54.86 F
799 53.85 F
1033 52.51 F
832 51.51 F
734 50.83 F
785 43.95 F

Period 1 Grades-

Please see me with a progress report to find out missing assignments.

Stu #; Percent; Grade
1073 99.00 A+
822 98.11 A
1102 97.68 A-
856 96.86 A-
746 96.53 A-
871 95.87 A-
743 95.21 A-
797 95.21 A-
710 94.55 A-
723 94.05 A-
781 93.23 A-
908 93.23 A-
741 92.90 A-
1027 92.24 A-
762 90.59 A-
775 90.59 A-
766 90.09 A-
880 88.77 B+
1146 88.44 B+
700 87.29 B
909 86.79 B
1053 84.81 B
752 83.49 B
767 83.16 B
987 81.18 B-
840 80.36 B-
1013 79.86 C+
852 71.94 C-
1049 71.12 C-
759 66.17 D
858 44.71 F
1047 37.78 F

Week of 9/19-9/23

Monday: Cell Organelles & Elodea under high power
Homework: Chapter 3, section2- flashcards for all key terms with a sketch of each organelle

Students that are not turning in homework will be in class at break and lunch completing assignments.

Wednesday: Cheek cells viewed under microscope/ stained slides
Homework: Workbook pgs58-60 covers Ch 3,2

Friday: Worked on Cell Diagrams and watched the Magic of Cells video. Organelle mystery IDs.
Homework: Cell Project 1/2 sheets went home today to help students begin to make choices about their cell project. In class we discussed using recyled materials to create 3-D models. Students can come in and ask for materials, if I have it they can use it. The 1/2 sheet is due Tuesday. Cell Projects are due October 7th. That's only 2 Fridays from today!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Weeks are flying by!

We've begun microscopes and today we took a quiz on parts of a microscope. We're learning about the discovery of cells and microorganisms. Next week we'll focus on the parts of a cell.

Due today was a yellow sheet on Light.

Thursday: I collected notebooks to grade over the weekend.
Students should be reading Chapter 3, section 1. Please make flashcards for the 1st 4 terms. Complete workbook pages 54-56- that includes the flowchart on pg 54.

Cell Project Outline went out today. If you are interested in making a food cell you need a parent/ guardian signature. This is giving your child the go ahead to purchase and create an edible project at HOME.

Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

9/7- 9/9

Wednesday: Life Science Review #1 & #2 - this will help you study for the QUIZ we have on Friday. Study flashcards- it'll help with the test as well.


login: seventh
password: seventh

Friday: Read pgs. 68-69 in notebook using our note format put these terms & definitions: microscope, magnification, resolution, electron microscope

Microscope Quiz next Thursday- study the diagrams and vocabulary

Monday, August 29, 2011

8/29-9/2 Light


We are starting light and will be moving quickly. Please notice you only have to read the pages I assign. The rest you can read, but it's optional.

Monday: Ch 2, section 1 - read pg. 43-45; flashcards for last 4 key terms

Wednesday: Ch 2, section 2 pg. 47; flashcards for first 3 key terms. SORRY, I've been sick. Here's the link for the BrainPop on color: Remember, it's not due until next Wednesday.

Friday: Please Read Ch2, Section 3 pgs.52-60 and in workbook please complete 42-45. Don't forget the BrainPop is due on Wednesday! :)

Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Second Week of School

We're learning about inferences and the scientific method.

Tuesday: Flash cards for Ch1, section 3 (yes I know I skipped 2) & read it as well.
- Please finish TEXTBOOK worksheet as well

Thursday: Read Chapter 1, section 3 & in your workbook please do pages 22-24 (page 20 is a good summary of the section)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday Homework

COVER TEXTBOOKS - we need to keep them for the next 5 years! If you live at 2 different houses please see me for a book on CD.

Read Chapter 1, section1- thinking like a scientist

Flashcards- CH 1,1 "key terms" on the left column of page 6. Words are highlighted in the section where they are defined. Words are also defined in the glossary.

See you Tuesday.

Please come in at break or at lunch if you need help with making flashcards.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Welcome to 7th Science at PJHS!

Hello and Welcome:

It's been a great day. I can't wait to explore the world of science with you.

Just a homework reminder:
-3 Parent Signatures are due on Friday for: safety rules, syllabus, and contact information
-you also need a notebook on Friday

See you then!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

7th Grade Science Summer Shopping

Hello Families,

Now is the time when school supplies are on sale. I've seen a 6 pack of glue at Target for 80 cents and markers for less than a dollar.

Each student will need a hard-covered, 3-subject notebook, colored pencils, pens, pencils, calculator, glue sticks, soft pouch to hold it all in and a box of kleenex.

Of course I'm happy to accept donations to the class.
We need the basics:
thin markers
thick markers
glue sticks
colored pencils
wooden pencils
box of kleenex
hand sanitizer
water colors (standard kid set nothing fancy)

Also will need:
canned potatoes
paper towels
empty/clean baby food jars

Enjoy the last few weeks!

Mrs. Brooks Long

Saturday, May 14, 2011


As you all have access through Aeries, I have not been posting grades here. However, I have heard that some of you are still having trouble so here it is:

Friday, May 13, 2011



I received this information via email. I have NOT looked into it, but thought some parents might be interested in...

"It is the sole purpose of the USAA Scholarship Foundations to help students in grades 6-12 by awarding cash grants to use now or later for any educational expense.

* $40,000 in scholarship cash grants reserved for middle school students
* $40,000 in scholarship cash grants reserved for high school students
* One $10,000 Dr. George A. Stevens, Founder's Award"

* The students of parents can fill-out the online application ( ), or
* You may download the scholarship applications and distribute them to your students ( ), or
* Call us at (866) 892-7615 to receive the applications through regular mail.

Kepler Planets- have you heard of them?

Here is an overview from NASA.

Here are the two interactives we worked on today in class.

How Kepler Discovers Planets

Kepler Exoplanet Transit Hunt

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Solar Sytem Webquest

Solar System webquest:

NASA is always a great place to start!

For the second worksheet you might want to use this website:
Solar System: Use the links on the left of the site. Planets are in planet links!

Kid's Astronomy

Extra time:
Moon Phases

Comet Motion

What else is in Moon water?

Universe Zoom

Solar System Animation

4/27- 4/29

Stars, galaxies, and our solar system.

Wednesday: finish stars/ spectroscopes and talk about galaxies. Homework Read Chapter 15 section 5 on the origin of the universe and complete wkbk pgs. 278-279.

Monday, April 11, 2011

4.11- 4.15

Monday: In class students corrected homework and took an open notebook Chemistry Final.

Homework: on flashcards define and draw pictures if you can: Astronomical Unit, star pg. 599, galaxy, moon, asteroid, universe, nebula, light-year, planet (will define in class), comet, meteor, spiral galaxy, elliptical galaxy, & irregular galaxy.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Today we finished the polymer lab, the exo & endo lab, and took the bonds quiz.
Homework:Chapter 7 sections 3& 4; Flash cards for acid, base, pH, and neutralize. Workbook pgs. 131-136

Thursday: Acid and Base Lab -


Period 2: Take notes on these: Mythbusters Chemical Rxns (Here's the URL JIC: ) Bill Nye Chemical Rxns : (Here's the URL JIC: )

Next week: STAR TESTS on Wed. and Fri.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Nearly April (3.28-4.1)

Today, Wednesday, we learned about the Law of Conservation of Matter- see Chapter 6 sections 2 &3.

We did a lab to create a polymer and test the Law of Conservation of Matter. You are welcome to make-up on Friday at lunch.

We will have a quiz on Friday. Need to know/ understand: polymer, CHNOPS, ion, ionic bond, covalent bond, polar vs. non-polar bond, isotope, Law of Conservation of Matter, and using the P. Table look up an atom and tell me the # of bonds.

Due today (Monday's Homework): flashcards for CHNOPS, and chapter 6 sections 2 & 3

Homework: study for quiz and which ever workbook pages are not complete from 104-114.

Friday: Not enough time for the quiz so it was moved to Tuesday. (Couldn't let the chicken liver get old) Chapter 6, section 3 - exothermic and endothermic reactions. Homework: Controlling Chemical Reactions worksheet

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Student Grades- Aeries Grade Portal - Frequently Asked Questions

Parents will soon be receiving a letter with login information to access student grades on Aeries.

Mr. Lang's website has the same information and pictures as well...

How do I create an account to access the grades?

While at the Parent Connect sign in page, select "Create New Account."

Step 1: Choose "Parent" or "Student"

Step 2: Type in your email address, and choose a password for your aeries account. It is NOT asking you for your email password!

Step 3: Aeries will send an email to you from the address, "" It will have a link to "Cornfirm this email address." This verifies the email address you provided works.

Once you click the link in the email, it will give you a "Thank you" message and a "Click Here" to get to Step 4.

Step 4: Now you need to enter the information that will identify which student is yours. Currently, the only way to get the required information is from a letter the district sends to your home. This is to prevent fraudulent accounts access to your information.

Step 5: You will be presented with a list of people that are listed as contacts for your child, so pick your name from the list. You should be there! If you are not one of the already listed people, there is a, "none of the above ," option.

Step 6: you will get another "Click Here."

It will take you to the log in page, you are ready to start!

What if I do not have an email address?

You need an email address. There are many places that host free email, like or

What if I have problems with Parent Connect?

As of now, if you have any issues creating an account, email me, Mrs. Brooks Long, and I will see what I can do. If you are reading this, but your child is not at PJHS I probably can't help you.

How many people can look at my child's grades?

The letter with the information is mailed home, but once you have that you can make as many accounts as you need, so mom and dad can both make accounts, as well as your student's tutor, mentor, or anyone else you care to give the passcodes to. Be aware that this gives them access to a lot of your personal information - all the information you now have access to, so check out the site, see what is there, and make sure you want to give them this access. They stay at grandma's after school? Sure! You are paying some college kid to tutor? Maybe not!

What if I have more then one child?

If you have more then one student, your one account can cover all of them. Once you make an account, using the passcodes for one of your students, log in, and in the top right is a drop down menu titled, "Current Student." One of the drop down choices is to, "Add additional student not currently listed." Of course this only works if you have passcodes for both of them.

When the Portal is opened for more students, at multiple schools, multiple grades, I belive that your account will be able to cover them all. The portal is not school specific, but covers the whole PCS district.

Why is my child's name listed twice in the dropdown menu?

As of now (Feb 2011) In the dropdown menu, you will also see your student AGAIN, appearing as a 9th grader and "inactive." They already have their name down over in the high school's computer, but there is nothing there to see yet.

How long will my account last?

This acount will last until your child is no longer in the Petaluma City Schools District, so until they graduate high school, or you transfer out, it should work. As of right now, as far as I know, only one other teacher (at Casa) is using the grade program, but other information, such as attendance and transcripts should be available.

How do I find the grades?

Your options are:

Gradebook This is where you will find current grades for your child, for any of their classes where the teacher is using the Aeries gradebook progam.
Current Assignments I have no idea how this works. Ignore it for now!
Grades This will get you s report just like the mailed-home progress reports, broken down by grading periods
Transcripts This will get you an UNOFFICIAL transcript, semester by semester.

"Gradebook," is the option that gets you assignment by assignment details on your child's grades, and there will be a menu to select which gradebook you want to see. We encouraged teachers to try out the program, but as far as I know there are only a few who are actively using it, all of them in the science department.

Once you click the class you wish to see, you will get a detailed report of their grade. Missing assignments are highlighted in RED.

The link I got in the mail does not work, what's wrong?

Yikes, with all the changes happening, the web address was changed, but the letter was NOT fixed! The correct link is:

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Hello, We're jumping around this week.

Tuesday: Chapter 8, section 4: focus on Carbon and the numerous substances that can be created from it. Homework: read the chapter and workbook pages 150-153

Thursday: Begin Chemical Reactions. Homework read chapter 6, section 1 and workbook pages 110-114.

OOPS- sorry for the confusion. Please do workbook pages 106-109 as that would coincide with the section you are reading! Sorry!

Japan's Earthquake, Tsunami ,& Nuclear Reactors


Here is a good description of what caused the earthqake and resulting tsunami.

Map has photos and videos of Tsunami as it hit Japan:

moment Tsunami hit:

Tsunami explanation:

This article talks about some isotopes that can be released during a nuclear incident. I bet you can understand it all!

Monday, March 7, 2011

3.7 - 3.11

We are now in chapter 5. Last week we covered section 1 and today we delved into section 2. Students need to know parts of an atom from chapter 4 in order to know how to bond them in chapter 5. Tests will go home on Wednesday, please be sure your child has the basics. If they need help I am here on 'A' days before school, at break, at lunch, and after school on Wednesdays before the staff meeting.

Monday's homework: Read chapter 5, section 2 on Ionic Bonds and create flash cards for vocabulary. Complete workbook pages: 94-97

Wednesday: sorry, but here it is: Read chapter 5, section3 and make flashcards. Workbook pages: 98-101

Friday: Covalent Bonds pg.205#s 1-10 and pg.207 #1-8 in complete sentences in your notebook!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Grades 3.5

Here are the grades including the element projects. I'm working on grading all of the tests, once they're done, I'll update again.

If you do not see a grade for the project, please see first thing Monday morning, as part or all of your project may be missing.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Test on Thursday!


In class we have been doing a lot of review. Studnts began a study guide in class and should finish it for homework. Test on Thursday.

Element projects were great. As soon as I get them all graded I will post the new grades. I have adjusted the overall point value to 45 points to better adjust to the time and work involved.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2.23- 2.25

Wednesday: In class review/ Jeopardy. Finish Beanon conclusion.
Homework: Study for test. In Textbook pg.167. Finish element project DUE IN CLASS ON FRIDAY!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Wednesday: Element Project research begun in library and to be completed at home. Project rubric/ outline and worksheet given out in class. Project may be a poster, PowerPoint, brochure, song w/ lyrics, movie w/ script... Other ideas? Talk to me!
Project is due an will be presented in class on Friday, February 25.
Other homework: study flashcards and notes for a quiz on Friday. Do you know the mass and charge or protons, neutrons, and electrons? Can you use the periodic table to give me the atomic symbol, mass, or atomic number? How can you determine the correct # of protons? electrons? Neutrons? - If you don't know look at last weeks notes!!!

Friday: Beanon Lab and Atom Quiz in class
Homework: work on the Element Project

For those of you interested in the nuclear accident on a submarine movie, it's K-19: the Widowmaker.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Element Project

Element Project research begun in library and to be completed at home. Project rubric/ outline and worksheet given out in class. Project may be a poster, PowerPoint, brochure, song w/ lyrics, movie w/ script... Other ideas? Talk to me!

Project is worth nearly 80 points- that's almost 4 labs!!!

Don't forget to create a Bibliography using the works cited outlines from the library. You need at least 2 to get 5 points...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

2.10 Grades

Mystery Powders lab has been graded. It's worth 37.5 points!

Please turn in any missing work! ASAP!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

February 7-11

Oops - sorry about Monday's homework!

Monday- Read Chapter 4, Section 2 - workbook pgs. 69-72

Wednesday- Read Chapter 4, Section 3 - workbook pgs. 74-77 & Flashcards for Section 2! If you did not finish the Bohr models in class please do so at home. There will be a quiz on Chapter 2 & 3 vocabulary on Friday (again now that the scantron is set up).

Friday- Read Chapter 4, Section 4 - workbook pgs. 79-82 & flashcards for terms I GIVE YOU!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2.1 Grades

Feb 1- 3

Tuesday- Mystery Powder Lab Part 2 - if have not finished conclusion please complete for homework.
---Homework: Read Chapter 2, Section 3 and do workbook pgs. 47-48

Monday, January 24, 2011

1.24-1.28 Matter continued- Quiz on Vocab-Friday!

Monday- Building blocks of matter activity in class
---Homework: Use the Creating Line Graphs worksheet handed out last week (back of Change of State- Langorium) to make the graph and answer the questions. PRACTICE FLASHCARDS- VOCAB QUIZ COMING ON FRIDAY!!!

Wednesday- Substances vs. mixtures - in class practice w/ worksheets & video (PH video intro to matter).
---Homework: STUDY CH 2 & 3 VOCABULARY for quiz on Friday. Textbook pgs 81-82 #1-22 in complete sentences!!!

Friday- Day 1 Mystery Powder Lab- Quiz postponed due to edusoft test sheet problems.
---Homework: Study that Vocab for Tuesday's quiz. In the textbook pg. 83 1-8 and pg. 117 1-8

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Grades are posted next to the door in the classroom. As the district has yet to turn on access to the grades, my husband has helped my figure out a way to post grades. I can't post documents in this blog so they're attached as photos...

I will attempt this weekly. The blank spot is for the physical changes lab that I am still correcting.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January 18 - 20

Chapter 2, Sections 1 and 2....

Tuesday: Read Chapter 2, section 1. Workbook pg. 40-42. PLEASE FINISH FINAL DRAFT OF CARTOON- DUE THURSDAY!!!

Thursday: Read Chapter 2, section 2. Vocabulary/ key terms on flashcards. AND Workbook pages 44-45.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 11 & 13th

States of Matter continued.

- S,L,G cartoon project rough draft (pg. 89) due Thurs.
- Vocabulary quiz on Thursday- STUDY!!!
- In textbook, answers in complete sentences. pg.115-116 #1-4, 6-9, and 11-16

- S,L,G cartoon project final project due on Thursday the 20th.
- Chapter 2, section 1 - define key terms on flash cards


Welcome back! This is the start of the next semester. Everyone has an A- let's keep it that way by doing all classwork and homework!

-Read Chapter 3, section 1 - define key terms on flashcards (began in class)
-Workbook pages 51-43 (bring page 50 to complete in class).
-Parent signatures on Safety sheet- due Friday.

-Read Chapter 3, section 2 - define key terms on flashcards, add thermal energy to list of terms
- Begin thinking about the Solid, Liquid, & Gas Cartoon Project (draft due 13th, final due 20th) pg. 89 gives a brief outline of what to do. More details to follow.
-Bring worksbook pg. 55 - to be completed in class on Friday.

- Read Chapter 3, section 2
- Complete workbook pages 55-58